Tanzania Project

Over 500 Women Secure Land Titles through Partnership with Tanzania Land Tenure Assistance in Tanzania

Initial Grant $1000

LandBridge granted $1,000 to Tanzania Land Tenure Assistance (TLTA) for a three-month period for the payment of Certificate of Customary Occupancy (CCRO) fees, inclusive of administrative and other fees, on behalf of vulnerable women to secure necessary title documents.

Tanzania Partner

For our pilot project, LandBridge’s partner, TLTA, in collaboration with District Land Office and Village authorities of Ibangamoyo, Mangalali, Isupilo and Lumuli identified 50 women to receive CCROs financing support from the LandBridge grant and facilitated dissemination of the certificates to 50 women.

500 Women Helped

Using criteria set forth by LandBridge, TLTA has now successfully completed 3 phases of selecting, identifying and contacting eligible women to receive CCROs. We were lucky enough to interview a few of the incredible women who shared their stories.

Success Stories

Angelina Kunzugala, 70 years old

My name is Anjelina. I am 70 years old and a widow. I live in Ibangamoyo-Mlandizi with my children and grandchildren. I purchased this land myself. I grow vegetables, keep animals, and I’ve built a home to live in.

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I wanted a certificate to avoid land disputes with my neighbors, but during the land mapping period, I didn’t have money to pay for one. Now that I have the certificate, no one will take my land because I bought it. The certificate shows I am the rightful owner of the property. No one can dare to take it.

I am very grateful to LandBridge and Tanzania Land Tenure Assistance for their help in providing me with my certificate because I could not pay for it due to going through various life challenges.

Elenatha Mduda, 79 years old

My name is Elenatha and I live in Ibangamoyo-Ulanda. I purchased this property to farm and cultivate maize. I’ve also built a home here to live in with my grandchildren. I wanted the land certificate to avoid disputes with my neighbors, but I was nursing my husband for a long time and, later, he died.

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This led to a difficult financial situation and I was unable to pay for the certificate.

Now that I have the certificate showing that I’m the owner of the property, I can start renting my plot. I’m confident that no one can take my property. I will also use my certificate to get loans from the bank and start a small business that will help to improve my life.

Evelina Dugange, 83 years old

My name is Evelina and I live in Ibangamoyo-Ulanda. I inherited this property where I have my home and kitchen garden. I live here with my grandchildren. I wanted to get a certificate for this property to avoid land disputes with my neighbors, but I couldn’t pay for it because I have no money.

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My husband died a long time ago and I have no financial support. Thanks to LandBridge and Tanzania Land Tenure Assistance, I will use this certificate to get loans from the bank and start a small business.

Lusia Makasi, 89 years old

My name is Lusia and I live in Mangalali–Itunda. I inherited this plot from my parents. I plant beans and live here with my children and grandchildren. During the land surveying and mapping period, I didn’t have enough money to pay for the certificate. But now that I have it, everyone knows that this land belongs to me, including my relatives, my family, and my neighbors.

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This certificate will protect me and my family from anyone who would want to steal it or take it from me. In the future, I will plant avocado trees on my land.

Rozilia Mbogo, 89 years old

I inherited this land in Mangalali–Kitoo. I keep animals here and live with my children. The certificate will help me avoid land disputes with my neighbors because everyone now knows that I inherited it. Unfortunately, I couldn’t afford to pay for the certificate during the land surveying and mapping period because I was caring for my father who has since passed away.

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I will plant tomatoes here and sell them to earn money.

Monica Kasisi, 69 years old

My name is Monica and I live in Mangalali–Lukwambe. I purchased this plot. I plant maize and live here with my children. Having the certificate for my land will help me avoid land problems with my neighbors. During the land surveying and mapping period, I was taking care of my disabled mother who was very ill.

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I didn’t have enough money to pay for the certificate. Now, no one will try to take my land because everyone knows I bought it, including my family. This certificate will give me access to loans and, in the future, I plan to plant trees here. I personally thank LandBridge for their help because without them, I would not have been able to get a certificate for my land.