Lusaka, Zambia

In July of 2024, LandBridge provided a pilot project grant to help identify and give direct aid to at least ten women who have gone through the process to register their land and need assistance to pay the final fee.


 Women’s Land Rights in Zambia

  • In Zambia, a mere 13 per cent of land title deeds were issued to women between 2000 and 2019. This lack of legal rights exposes women to land grabbing and sometimes violent disputes, further exacerbating their exclusion, particularly after a spouse or father death or a relationship breakdown.” - UN Habitat

    Land Portal Country Profile: With regard to title, a 2019 World Bank study “less than 10% of households have title, 13% an informal document or incomplete title, and 55% of those without title want to acquire it and are willing to pay”


  • To acquire a land title in Zambia, you need to apply to the Ministry of Lands through the Commissioner of Lands, providing necessary documentation including a land survey, proof of ownership, and payment of fees; the application will be reviewed, and if approved, you will receive an offer letter followed by the official title deed once all requirements are met; this process often involves a land survey conducted by a registered surveyor and may include a stage where the land is zoned and approved by relevant authorities. 

    Key steps in acquiring a land title in Zambia:

    • Identify the land:

      Determine the land you want to acquire and ensure it is available for purchase. 

    • Engage a surveyor:

      Hire a registered land surveyor to conduct a survey of the land and prepare a survey plan. 

    • Application to the Ministry of Lands:

      Submit an application to the Commissioner of Lands at the Ministry of Lands, including the survey plan, proof of ownership (if applicable), and required documentation. 

    • Review and approval:

      The Ministry of Lands will review your application, including checking for zoning compliance and potential land disputes. 

    • Offer letter:

      Upon approval, the Ministry of Lands will issue an offer letter confirming your right to purchase the land. 

    • Payment of fees:

      Pay the necessary land registration fees associated with acquiring the title. 

    • Title deed issuance:

      Once all requirements are met, the Ministry of Lands will issue the official title deed in your name. 

    Important points to consider:

    • Land tenure system:

      Zambia has a dual land tenure system with customary land and formally registered land. 

    • National Land Titling Programme:

      The government has a program to facilitate the process of acquiring land titles through systematic land titling. 

    • Legal advice:

      Consult with a legal professional specializing in land law in Zambia to navigate the process and ensure all necessary steps are followed. 

  • LandBridge has identified women’s land rights consultants who only needed help with the last mile - to pay the land title fee on behalf of women who’ve proven ownership of their land.
